We have over 20 years of holistic advisory experience collaborating with interior designers, architects, ownership groups, and Fortune 100 companies from around the world. With our well-established and methodical process, we know what it takes to bring ambitious concepts to life through brand discovery, collection building, artist coordination and relationship management, art investment advising, procurement, and installation. Consider us your spatial activist partners. We can’t wait to work together with you.


One of the first questions we get asked by new clients and partners is, "So why’s the company called Farmboy?To answer that, we have to go back nearly two decades to rural Alberta.

In the mid-90s, Farmboy’s founder and CEO Todd Towers was a young art student enrolled in the University of Calgary’s Fine Art program. But that wasn’t Todd’s only focus. He was also a farmhand on his family’s ranch.

For six generations, the Towers family had worked the land and Todd was no exception. When not in classes, the studio, or working typical university odd jobs, Todd worked the land and cattle. So, as an art student moonlighting as a farmhand, Todd quickly earned the nickname Farmboy.

“The Farmboy nickname captured nicely the essence of who I was and how I viewed art at the time,” remembers Todd. “The farmer, the land, the livestock and the community all rely on each other. It’s a collaboration driven by passion, energy and dedication—everyone working together to grow something and make the world a little better. It felt natural to embrace that ideal and it encapsulated the potential I saw in art—the potential to make the world better and change lives.” Once Todd graduated and founded his fledgling start-up art consultancy, his agrarian roots continued to shape his approach.

And now, for over 20 years, those lessons learned on the farm have been the foundation of Farmboy. Clients, artists and Farmhands alike are continually excited by this idea of collaboration and using art to activate spaces and make the world a little better. That excitement fosters passion and when there is passion and dedication, art is given the opportunity to change people’s lives.



No matter what we get up to or where in the world we go, we’ll never lose sight of who we are and where we came from. We’re inextricably linked to our rural roots and the entrepreneurial values we grew up with; working hard, staying grounded, and putting our best foot forward are all an intricate part of our DNA.

Authenticity also speaks to the value we uphold for our clients. What makes them one-of-a-kind is brought to the forefront of every artistic endeavour we explore together, and we work hard to ensure we’re thoughtfully reflecting the narratives that are unique to them in a genuine and honest manner.


We’re perpetual learners. We believe in the power of staying inquisitive and open-minded to the world and the cultures around us. And while we continue to learn more and explore how art can take us further, we will always do so with respect and integrity to the people and communities connected to these practices.

This mindset not only guides our suite of services–from advisory and curation through to acquisition and production–but also speaks to our focus on fostering our diverse, inclusive communities of artists and collaborators who have important and meaningful stories to tell.


Everything we do serves a greater purpose of changing lives through art, which we know can never be done in a silo.

No matter who we’re creating with–our clients, the Farmboy artist community, our vendors and suppliers, or within our own internal teams–we perform at our best when we work right alongside the incredible talent that we’re fortunate to be surrounded by. In turn, we’ve been able to create some of the most compelling, original, and internationally relevant collections that make a remarkable impact on the viewers from around the world.


We’re always on the lookout for new talent to join our team of Farmhands.

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